Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Library Likes and Dislikes

I'm only a freshman so I have not been in the Ingram Library a lot at this point. I know it's a little sad, my first semester was just so busy and I have a laptop to do research on in my dorm so I did not really try to make the time to come to the library. When it comes to the library I love to find the shelves with the thickest books, plop down in the aisle and try to read the most complicated book I can find, while still being able to comprehend exactly what it is I am reading.
There are not many things I dislike about being at the library. The only thing I really just do not like is when I have to sit around a bunch of loud people. I also cannot stand when books aren’t in the right place or just lying around haphazardly. I have a touch of OCD and have been known to walk up and down aisles, straightening things out. I’m sure part of it has to do with the fact that I was a library aid back in Middle School. It’s just something that has seemed to stick with me.
Nothing about the library really confuses me, I have spent so much time in them all my life that if I didn’t know how things worked in the library I would be in trouble. haha

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